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  • Dr. Bijayraj Rajanbabu

Dr. Bijayraj Rajanbabu

Dr. Bijayraj Rajanbabu

MBBS, DNB (Family Medicine), MRCGP (INT), MNAMS, Certificate in Diabetes Management, PG Diploma in Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetology (Royal College of Physicians, UK)

Sr. Consultant

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Dr. Bijayraj Rajanbabu

OP Timing

MON to FRI (10AM to 2PM ) and (6.30 PM to 8.00 PM)



MBBS from MUHS, Nashik, Dec. 2005.

HSC in the year 2000 from SIES College, Sion (W), Mumbai

SSC in the year 1998 from SaraswatiMandir High School, Mahim (W), Mumbai; Best Outgoing Student, SaraswatiMandir High School, 1998.

Recipient of the P.D. Hinduja “Merit-cum-Means” Scholarship (2001- 2005).

Underwent training for the “National Fellowship in Palliative Medicine (NFPM)” programme, conducted by the Institute of Palliative Medicine (IPM), Calicut, 2011

Indian Association of Palliative Care (IAPC)’s Certificate Course in Essentials of Palliative Care (CCEPC) (2023)

Post Graduate Diploma in Endocrinology and Diabetes, Royal College of Physicians, UK (Online mode)

Certificate in Diabetology from Apollo Medvarsity (Online mode).


(17 years post-MBBS; 12 years post-PG) Sr. Consultant, Family Medicine, Starcare Hospital, Calicut

Sr. Consultant, Iqraa Community Clinics, Calicut (May-2021 to April-2023) Sr. Consultant, Dept of Family Medicine, Preventive Health and Wellness, Meitra Hospital, Calicut.

Worked as Physician and DNB-Family Medicine co-ordinator in Malabar Institute of Medical Sciences (MIMS), Calicut, Kerala, from Dec-2012 till Sept-2019.

Managing the Dept of Preventive Health and Family Medicine.

Done over 10,000 fairly detailed health check-ups so far.Probably the only doctor in South India to have done a detailed study into the yield of health check-ups. Study being prepared for publication. Feedback data from 600 random patients who underwent health check-ups through me indicated nearly 100% satisfaction rates.

Routine OP clinic based on Family Medicine approach- particularly focused on lifestyle disorders/diseases.

Contributing to the hospitals Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities; for example, regular public education activities- via mass media (print and visual) point-of-contact for the healthcare needs of the hospital’s in-house staff.

Member, Scientific Research Committee, MIMS.

Convenor, Audit Committee, MIMS.

Dep. Co-ordinator, MIMS Academy.

Founder-President, The Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI), Kerala Chapter. AFPI-Kerala successfully conducted the 1st-ever state level Conference and CME in Family Medicine in Jan-2015. AFPI-Kerala has become one of the most active bodies in the Family Medicine domain since then, with about 200 members in the chapter now.

Nodal co-ordinator for the National Board of Examinations (NBE).

Thesis reviewer for the NBE Was actively involved in Nipah-virus control measures (on-site/field visits) and flood relief measures in Calicut and Coorg (Karnataka) in 2018. Felicitated by IMA-Calicut for the former role.

Medical Director and Chief Physician, PrimeCare Family Health Center, Mattool village, Kannur Dist, Kerala, from May-Dec 2012.

PrimeCareFamily Health Center was a non-profit set-up managed by Mattool Healthcare Trust in collaboration with PrimeCare, Manchester, UK. It covered a population of 25,000.


1st Dr A Ramanathan Memorial Oration Award, IMA-Calicut, 2018.

As Founder-President, AFPI-Kerala: Was Organising Chairperson of the 1? AFPI- Kerala state level Conference and CME, successfully conducted in MIMS Hospital, Calicut, in Jan-2015.

Instructor for the Travelling Pain School (Course: Essentials in Pain Management), Certified by the Australia and New Zealand College of Anaesthetists.

9 Publications in Indexed International Journals:

“Three physical markers of insulin resistance (body mass index, waist circumference and acanthosis nigricans): A cross-sectional study among children in south India”, published in Medical Practice and Reviews, June 2011.

Family Medicine in Corporates in India: Current Scenario, published in Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care, Dec- 2013, Vol 2, Issue 4

Bhagyanathan M, Dhayanithy D, Parambath VA, Bijayraj R. Acanthosis nigricans: A screening test for insulin resistance – An important risk factor for diabetes mellitus type-2. J Family Med Prim Care [serial online] 2017 [cited 2018 Nov 3];6:43-6. Available from: http://www.jfmpc.com/text.asp?2017/6/1/43/214961

The 2017 Academic College of Emergency Experts and Academy of Family Physicians of India position statement on preventing violence against health-care workers and vandalization of health-care facilities in India https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5479080/

Veetil JN, Parambath VA, Rajanbabu B, Suresh S. An epidemiological study of drowning survivors among school children. J Family Med Prim Care [serial online] 2017 [cited 2018 Nov 31:6:844-7. Available from: http://www.jfmpc.com/text.asp?2017/6/4/844/225542

Suresh S, Rajanbabu B, Veetil VM, Hussain A, Veetil JN. A study on the altered glycemic and lipid parameters and prevalence of insulin resistance in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Family Med Prim Care [serial online] 2018 [cited 2018 Nov 3];7:93-7. Available from: http://www.jfmpc.com/text.asp?2018/7/1/93/231576

Razack M, Parambath VA, Rajanbabu B. The relationship between weight gain in exclusively breastfed babies and maternal diet.Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 8(12):p 3832-3839, December 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_613_19 Available https://journals.lww.com/jfmpc/Fulltext/2019/08120/The_relationship between weight gain in.10.aspx

Kutty, Jesheera M; RajanBabu, Bijayraj; Thiruvoth, Sohanlal. Immune status against diphtheria in healthy adults. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 8(10):p 3253- 3257, October 31, 2019. | DOI: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_589_19 Available from: https://journals.lww.com/jfmpc/Fulltext/2019/08100/Immune status against diphtheria in healthy adults.30.aspx

Ubaidulla SM, Rajanbabu B, Varma KK, Hussain A. A study on the role of lepidopterism in seasonal fever outbreaks.J Family Med Prim Care. 2022 Aug;11(8):4576-4581. Doi 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1825_21. Epub 2022 Aug 30. PMID: 36353005; PMCID: PMC9638582.Available from:https://journals.lww.com/ifmpc/Fulltext/2022/08000/A study on the role of lepidopt erism in seasonal.71.aspx

Faculty, 1? National Conference in Family Medicine and Primary Care, New-Delhi, April 2013; Topic: “Passing DNB Exams- Theory”.

Faculty, WONCA-SAR conference, Chennai, Aug-2014. Topic- “Preparing for DNB Final Exams”.

Faculty, 1? AFPI-Kerala State Conference and CME, Jan-2015. Topic: MRCGP (Int) v/s DNB (FM): Whats “better” for the Indian Scenario?”

Faculty and/or organiser for every subsequent state conference of AFPI-Kerala.

Faculty, 1 AFPI-Karnataka State Conference and CME, April-2015. Topic: How Bollywood has always stood for Family Medicine.

1 National co-ordinator (India), The Spice Route Movement (A Movement for young GPS of the South Asia Region).

Program Co-ordinator, MIMS Post-Graduate Entrance Coaching Programme, MIMS Hospital, from Jan 2008- Feb 2009.

Member, Indian Medical Association (IMA).

Public interactions via/with Media/ Family Medicine Advocacy:

Have delivered several 20-30-minute interviews to various leading TV channels in formats such as “Doctor Live” (Asianet), “Ayur Rekha” (Asianet), “Stethoscope” (Media One) etc.

Contributed to a full-length article in Metro Manorama newspaper, Calicut edition, regarding Family Medicine.

Member of the team which won 1? prize in the State-Level Inter-Colleg Cultural Programmes’ competition, Dhule, Feb 2003.

Have won awards in debating, public speaking, acting, singing, quizzing and cricket during college days.

Student-In-Charge of the Literary Committee, ACPM Medical College, Dhule, for the year 2003.

Member of the ACPM Medical College team which participated in the State-Level Inter-Collegiate Quiz Competition (P&SM).

Underwent course in “Advanced English Conversation”, Indo-America Society (2000).

Certified in “Safety Training and Observation Programme” (STOP), in Offshore Industrial Safety (2007).

Course in Clinical Hypnotherapy by the Indian School of Hypnotherapy, Delhi (2009).

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